Of all the Airbnb you will host, very few are likely to experience any problems. Many will be on vacation, some for work, or family visits. Some will travel alone, others with children and some will arrive as a group. Whatever your location, property size, or hosting preferences, you need to be a responsible host and there are a number of simple ways to ensure your guests have peace of mind whilst renting your Airbnb property.
- First and foremost, do your homework and ensure your property meets all government regulations and safety codes
- Install smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors in your property. Remember to schedule regular checks to make sure they are in full working order. You will also need a fire extinguisher on site.
- Provide a visible list of local emergency numbers. Local doctors and emergency dentists and the number of the nearest hospital should be included, as well as your own contact details. Most people will be from out of town or even the country, and this will give them peace of mind
- Include a first aid kit in the house inventory and make sure it is somewhere visible.
- If you have listed your property as child-friendly, make sure that it is! Don’t leave anything breakable in reach of tiny hands and make sure and dangerous substances such as cleaning products are behind a child lock, or well out of reach.
- Check that there are no obvious hazards for guests. No exposed wires or loose carpets to trip on. Small plug-in nightlights are always appreciated for the night time trip to the bathroom when you are not familiar with the house layout!
- Ensure, and regularly check that all your electrical appliances are in fully working condition.
Happy responsible hosting!